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The labels of "Being"

Searching for and rediscovering the True Self is the fundamental, essential task that will gradually open us to receiving and giving love to God, others, and ourselves.

We can also label this as the "True Essence of Motherhood" as when layers are peeled back, motherhood is the True Essence of Godliness - Loving unadulterated, pure unselfishness and fierce commitment.

You (and every other created thing) begin with your unique divine DNA, an inner destiny as it were, with an absolute core that knows the truth about you, a true believer tucked away in the cellar of your ego, an Imago Dei (Hebrew- Image of God).... see Genesis 1:27.

This "Being" begs to be allowed, to be fulfilled, and to show itself. "You were chosen in Christ before the world was made--to stand before God in love--marked out beforehand as fully adopted daughters" If you don't believe me read Ephesians 1:4-5... :)

This is your True Self. Historically, it was often called "the soul."

Believe its or not, you had an essence before you were a mother... really you did!

Jesus revealed and accepted a paradox in his entire being: human and divine are not separate, but one, his life shouted! Jesus, by his spoken word and example, literally shouted this message on foot and on the cross.

For some of us, this seems just too good and (for some, too dangerous) to be true. For some of us, this is far too obscure and intangible. And yet, for other, we deny it because our ego cannot label it and put it in its proper place.

Question remains: Are we afraid to bear the burden of divinity?

As Marianne Williamson says: "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." [1] I would say that it is precisely the divine part of you that is great enough, deep enough, gracious enough to fully accept the human part of you. If you are merely human, you will tend to reject your embarrassingly limited humanity.

Think on that!

Maybe we realize subconsciously that if we really recognized our True Self--which is the Divine Indwelling, the Holy Spirit within us.

If we really believed that we are temples of God (see 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16), then we would have to live up to it.

There was a time I was certainly afraid to own--and fully draw upon--that kind of dignity. This ever loving & deep freedom existence I now experience was not always my reality because I was living in a fear driven, action oriented, rewards earned mentality. Thankfully, that is my past and not my present. My present moment self is defined not by labels but by lessons, not by status but by sincerity, not by Kardashians but by Kendra (and boy is there a difference there).

Paradoxically, immense humility, not arrogance, characterizes someone who lives in this True Self. You simultaneously know you are a daughter of God, but you also know that you didn't earn it and you are not worthy of it. You know it's entirely a gift (see Ephesians 2:8-9. All you can do is thank Our God, occasionally weep with joy, and kneel without any hesitation.

The single and true purpose of mature religion is to lead you to ever new experiences of your True Self. If religion does not do this, it is manipulative religion. Every communion, every Sacrament, every Bible story, every church service, every sermon, every hymn, every bit of priesthood, ministry, or liturgy is for one purpose: to allow you to experience your True Self--who you are in God and who God is in you--and to live a generous life from that Infinite Source.

As we allow our "Being" - our (divine) soul and spirits to generate our thoughts, actions, words and deeds, we will experience motherhood on a whole new level. This removes pressures of the world, it puts social media where it belongs (in our back pocket, under a rock, behind the sun... you choose), and allows us to fully live and love.

Thx for reading.....

Make This Day Better Because You Are In It.



[1] Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" (HarperCollins: 1992), 190

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