a system of Christian or other religious belief; a faith."people of many creeds and cultures"
synonyms: 3 faith, religion, religious belief, religious persuasion, church, denomination, sect "people of many creeds and cultures" 4
a formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed.noun: Creed; noun: the Creed
synonyms: ◦ system of belief, set of beliefs, beliefs, principles, articles of faith, ideology, credo, doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenets, canons "his political creed" ◦
a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions."liberalism was more than a political creed"
Creed is one of my favorite bands. I have all of their songs and attended their concert with my daughter, Aleck.
I also appreciate the literal perspective of the word. I personally believe in developing and reviewing individual creeds on a regular basis.
I have several creeds:
What is a creed?
A formal statement of beliefs or principles. This can be religious, personal or even a business creed (like a mission statement). Not only is it a statement of beliefs it should be your standard to live by.
Everybody whether they believe it or not, has a creed.
We all have a belief system. As mere mortals we have beliefs, judgements and boundaries forms from and contributes to our ego.
For most people though, it operates at a sub- intentional level and not always part of their daily consciousness.
When people are not consciously aware of their belief system they tend to be reactive rather than proactive.
Today I will share with you my professional Creed and next week, my personal creed.
I wrote this creed when I was actively caring for critical patients. Some of my patients were dying, some were recovering from traumatic brain injuries, and some were given a second chance after recovering from brain surgery.
Nevertheless, the importance of being present and intentional with each one of my patients was of paramount importance.
I liken this principle to motherhood - each child within each day and each minute has a need. Some needs seem critical such as “Mom, Johnny peed on my blanket” while others seem mundane, “just another spit-up down my blouse.” Whether critical or mundane or somewhere in between, daily we face moments that allow us the opportunity to pause.
My professional creed:
As a surgical physician assistant, I often walk amid a great deal of sadness, grief, and fear. I regularly encounter the face of injustice and I frequently find myself in the midst of trauma and conflict. It is indeed a heavy burden to carry. This demands a great deal of me, of us. It calls on the best of our capacity for compassion. It requires me to be courageous and wise, generous and unwavering. It requires a complex dance of giving and limit setting, of opening the heart and of clear boundaries. I regularly come face-to-face with my own mortality.
Nevertheless, this work also gives me great gifts. I witness much holiness and beauty. I have the privilege of being invited into the most sacred and intimate moments of another’s life.
I encounter extraordinary acts of love and devotion, of trust and courage. My days contain many moments of awe.
What matters for you, my patient, is what matters for me. May I meet you in your world as it is for you and accompany you from there. Whatever time I have with you, may I be fully present. May I serve you with all of my life experience as well as my expertise. May I listen fully with a generous heart, without judgment, and without having to fix what cannot be fixed. May my presence allow you to connect with your source of comfort, strength, and guidance as it is for you.
May I be well used.
Whatever our role, be it baker to janitor to bus driver to parent to caregiver, may we stop and pause and listen how we can all be well used.
What are the fundamentals of your creed(s)?