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Meet Dianna


Dianna was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona and remains a loyal resident. 


Dianna married her high school sweetheart at 18 years of age and was married for 23 years. Dianna has three grown children.


Dianna's daughter is 36 years old and her two sons, ages 33 and 26. Dianna is the doting Grandma to three beautiful grandchildren. 

What advice do you have to share with another momma who is entering this season of empty nesting? What worked for you? What didn't work for you? 





The last of the kids have all left home and now you’re wondering, “What should I do now?”


Sometimes it takes a while to come to the realization that you are now on your own. You’ve been helping to get the kiddos raised and preparing them to go out into the world on their own and suddenly that time has come and gone (and so are they!). You look around only to wonder, what now?


The time seemed so far off, that you just weren’t prepared when it finally arrived.


So, now it’s time to start thinking about all those things you told yourself you would do, “If only I had time, I’d love to …….”


When you stop to think about it, you’ve really come to a good time in your life. The kids are grown, have lives of their own, you’re now free to do all “Those things you kept telling yourself you’d do.” Thing is; now you have to remember just what they were!


Well, this little article is just to get you to thinking!


It’s never to late to start something new either. 


There’s always school. There are many courses you could take on a variety of subjects. Believe it or not, it's not too late for that degree or perhaps study a hobbie? 


Speaking of hobbies, what hobbies that you put aside because you didn’t have enough time to devote to them? What about starting a new hobby? 

Just think of some new things that you would like to learn how to do, then go sign up for some classes! Your local Parks and Recreation and local library often have affordable (or free) classes available. Might even make some new friends in the process.


There’s also volunteer work. Hospitals, nursing homes, local food bank and the Salvation Army are always looking for valuable service. Feels good to give back. Everything Mother is my volunteer service, a way I can give back and at the end of the day.... maybe my efforts "make this day better because I am in it." 


What about schools? Like volunteering to help tutor some students? Could be elementary, middle or high school. Perhaps you might inquire about employment openings for teachers aides in your local areas schools.


Of course there’s always a sports activity you can try..... Tennis? Golf? Bowling? Ask your friends and join a league. Connect with local meet up groups to network and mingle. If they don’t want to, then do it by yourself.  For those of you who are married (or have a significant other), well get that romance back! Participate in a sport together. John and I belong to a local club who offers couples tennis, pickleball and golf teams. If you do not belong to a club or group, you can head to your local park and use their courts for free. 


Organize. Organize. Organize. An organized room makes every woman feel better. Grab the bins, label maker and get started. 





I know, some of you out there are saying, “But I’m single (or not) and have to work for a living!” Well, if you are not thrilled with your current job, maybe this is a good time to start looking for a new career? Maybe start your own business? If you are happy with your present job; are there some courses that you can take that might help to get a promotion or create additional opportunities for you. 


For me, I love subscribing to a few magazine subscriptions and enjoying well deserved down time. offers just about anything/everything you might want. 








Remember, the kids are through with school, all grown up and on their own. Time to start reflecting on self and carve out "me time."  Single or married, there are lots out there for you, just put your thinking cap on!


No sitting around feeling sorry for yourself because you’re feeling “deserted” or not “needed”. Well, it’s ok for a little while, but not for long! Once you get use to your new found independence, watch out!




What was surprisingly easier (or harder) than you expected when your children left "the nest?" Any peculiar experiences?

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