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One important element of training that parents are often confused about is discipline. Let’s explore some ideas about why discipline is vitally important for children.


Understanding children.

 Thus children have the capacity to love their parents and have a relationship with them. They are capable of responding to correction. They can learn, grow, and improve. This gives us hope that discipline can have a positive effect in their lives.

Defining discipline.

The Old Testament uses two words to describe discipline, often translated as “instruction” or “correction.” The idea is changing the pattern or direction of life through chastening or reproof, which can take shape as words or actions. In the New Testament, the word for “discipline” means instruction or training, especially by means of chastening or correction. In other words, discipline consists of training our children, by words and by our actions. 

The purpose of discipline.

People often think of discipline as punishment, but in the Bible, discipline is about correction and training. Psalm 94:12-13 says:

Joyful are those you discipline, Lord, those you teach with your instructions. You give them relief from troubled times….

Those who embrace God’s discipline have a better, less troubled life. Parental discipline has the same effect.


Discipline helps our children learn what is right and wrong and how to live. Parental discipline provides the pathway for children to learn self-discipline.


Discipline also teaches our children how to live under authority. This a key to success in the real world, where everyone has to deal with authority. 

Discipline demonstrates love.

You can see why discipline is the most loving thing we can do for our children – even though it may hurt. Discipline is an expression of love because it helps our children become everything they can be. 

The effort is worth it.

Failure to discipline our children can be selfish on our part. We had a long day and don’t want to get off the couch to deal with something that needs correction. We want to be our children’s best buddy and if we discipline them they won’t like us. We don’t want to invest the emotional energy to face a conflict or endure a tantrum.

But discipline is not about us.


It’s not about our convenience, or making our kids stop annoying us, or reinforcing our desires. Discipline is a selfless act of love to give our children something vital that they need to thrive in this world.

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